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Counseling women and moms virtually across Texas

Trauma Focused Counseling

Helping you heal the pain that is holding you back
Have you experienced a trauma?

​Trauma is a significantly dangerous or distressing event that disrupts life and effects our ability to cope or function.


  • Do you ever feel distant from your emotions, physical environment, or people around you, like you are watching your life play by you like a movie?

  • Are you overly-aware of your surroundings, constantly on edge, or find yourself feeling anxious without reason?

  • Are you facing unexplained mood swings, tearfulness, or numbness?

  • Do you have difficulty resting or sleeping due to intrusive images, emotions, or physical sensations?

  • Has it become difficult to recognize yourself, or does it feel you have lost part of who you used to be?

  • Do you experience physical symptoms such as frequent headaches, muscle pains, constipation, dizziness, or stomachaches?

  • Does it seem that no one could truly understand what you have been through or how it has affected you?

Why choose trauma recovery therapy?

Lives that have been affected by trauma can undergo drastic and often unwanted changes, but it doesn’t have to stay this way. I believe that you can overcome the trauma from your past and live a life that you are confident in and proud of.


My approach to trauma counseling is one that is rooted in connection and support. Attending counseling for past trauma can feel intimidating or heavy at times, but I am committed to walking beside you every step of the way. During our counseling sessions, I am intentional to create a space where you will feel safe, heard, and understood as we delve into your journey of healing.


As we go through counseling together, you will gain practical skills to help navigate the challenges of a life complicated by trauma. These include establishing positive coping skills to utilize when facing triggering situations or heightened emotional states, improving your self-confidence and sense of self-worth through compassion and strengths-based work, and discovering a version of wellness that encompasses your physical, emotional, mental, social, and even spiritual well-being.

Trauma is more common than you may think.

According to The National Council for Behavioral Health,



of adults in the U.S. have experienced some type of traumatic event at least once in their lives.  Unfortunately, trauma is prevalent in our world today, but help is available for those who are wanting to heal from these painful experiences and redefine their futures.


The trauma that we may have gone through is unique to each person due to the endless complexities of our individual experiences. There are, however, also common threads related to trauma as seen above. These symptoms can be broken down into categories of physical sensations, emotional experiences, and interpersonal challenges in relating to others as well as the world around us.


Trauma recovery therapy addresses these difficulties with a personalized and sensitive approach to help best care for you.

There is hope
Resilience is the process and outcome of successfully adapting to difficult or challenging life experiences, especially through mental, emotional, and behavioral flexibility and adjustment to external and internal demands as defined by the American Psychiatric Association. Factors that contribute to our level of resiliency include our individual personality style, our view of the world, our practiced and positive coping skills, and the amount of social resources available to us.
Trauma can leave us feeling isolated, stuck, and unable to speak up about what has happened to us. There is significant stigma surrounding trauma, and it can often distort our own perception of what has occurred. We may feel that bringing up what has happened to us would make things worse or that it was somehow our fault or deserved. Everyone deserves to be treated with love and respect and any harmful action that was taken against you was not your fault. To more accurately understand our personal experiences, it is helpful to have an understanding of what trauma is.


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